Recap: Part 5, Holy Week in the Holy Land
Holy Week in the Holy Land! Spending Holy Week (the week before Easter) in Jerusalem was a real blessing, it was the best Easter I have had yet. Almost every day my dad and I did something to remember what Jesus did during the last week of his life. Palm Sunday: Palm Sunday in Jerusalem was a lot of fun, we went to a processional that followed the traditional route that Jesus traveled into Jerusalem The Palm Sunday Processional felt like a big party! Tuesday: Tuesday my dad and I went to Pater Nosster We met some students there from left to right: Me, Amy, Rebecca, Jake, and Loie Maundy Thursday: Or it could be called: one of the coolest daddy-daughter dates I've had with my dad It started with a Cenacle Procession to the Upper Room, where Jesus washed the feet of his disiples Then dad and I walked by Gethsemane We also stopped for dinner at a place in the Old City Called 'The Armenian Tavern'. They h...